A Pioneering Journey Towards Equality

In a landmark moment for LGBTQ+ rights and the fight for equality, Ireland made history on May 22, 2015, by becoming the first country in the world to hold a referendum on same-sex marriage. This groundbreaking event marked a significant turning point in the nation's journey towards inclusivity and acceptance.

The Marriage Equality Referendum:

The marriage equality referendum in 2015 represented a crucial moment in Irish history. The vote gave Irish citizens the opportunity to directly express their views on same-sex marriage, shaping the nation's future. The campaign leading up to the referendum was marked by passionate debates, public discussions, and a nationwide exploration of the values at stake.

Supporters of marriage equality, including activists, politicians, celebrities, and everyday citizens, campaigned tirelessly to foster understanding and encourage an environment of empathy and compassion.

A Resounding "Yes" for Equality:

On May 22, 2015, millions of Irish citizens made their way to the polling stations, eager to cast their votes and have their voices heard. The result, with a resounding majority, was a watershed moment for the country and the world. Ireland became the first nation to pass same-sex marriage through a popular vote, with 62% of the electorate voting in favour of marriage equality.

A Beacon of Hope:

Since that momentous day, many countries have followed Ireland's lead, legalizing same-sex marriage and advancing LGBTQ+ rights. The referendum in Ireland set a precedent, highlighting the importance of democratic processes and the power of the people to effect positive change.

Moreover, the referendum allowed the LGBTQ+ community in Ireland to experience the joy of equality and feel a sense of belonging within their own country. It sent a message of love, acceptance, and affirmation to countless individuals who had long awaited their right to marry the person they love.

Troy McNamara

A good idea with passionate individuals behind it is what gets me going!

With training and work experience in Marketing, Event Management and Architecture along with being an International Sailing Coach for the past ten years I have been afforded the opportunity to work alongside many inspiring individuals and groups.

With this experience I came to realise my passion and strengths are within creating and building relationships as well as realizing an idea or team's potential and helping them present that potential to prospective clients both visually and verbally.

I am always looking for a challenge and for the opportunity to help an individual or team bring an idea/dream to fruition! 

Feel free to reach out for a chat.


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