April Fools Day

April Fools' Day is a lighthearted holiday celebrated around the world. The origins of April Fools' Day are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have started in Europe during the Middle Ages. The holiday was often celebrated on the first day of April, and it was customary to play pranks on one another.

One theory about the origins of April Fools' Day involves the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1582. Prior to this, the Julian calendar was used, and the new calendar moved the start of the year from April 1st to January 1st. Those who were slow to adapt or who were unaware of the change were often the victims of pranks and jokes.


April Fools Day in Japan

In Japan, the day is known as "April Kanashimi no Hi," which translates to "April Sorrow Day." While the name may suggest a somber occasion, the holiday is celebrated with pranks and practical jokes, much like the western version.

In Japan, April Fools' Day has been celebrated since the early 20th century. The holiday was first introduced in Japan by newspapers, which would print fake news stories on April 1st. These stories were often humorous and aimed to fool readers into believing something that was not true.

Today, April Fools' Day is celebrated by many people in Japan, and the holiday has taken on a unique character. Japanese pranksters often use the holiday as an opportunity to play tricks on their friends and family members. Popular pranks include setting up fake spider webs, filling shoes with flour or salt, and pretending to be someone else on the phone.


At Yamamori, we love to have fun and celebrate holidays in unique ways. So why not join us for April Fools' Day and see what kind of surprises we have in store? We promise it will be a day filled with laughter, joy, and plenty of pranks!

Troy McNamara

A good idea with passionate individuals behind it is what gets me going!

With training and work experience in Marketing, Event Management and Architecture along with being an International Sailing Coach for the past ten years I have been afforded the opportunity to work alongside many inspiring individuals and groups.

With this experience I came to realise my passion and strengths are within creating and building relationships as well as realizing an idea or team's potential and helping them present that potential to prospective clients both visually and verbally.

I am always looking for a challenge and for the opportunity to help an individual or team bring an idea/dream to fruition! 

Feel free to reach out for a chat.


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